Financial Park of Labuan
Intellisense awarded the Financial Park of Labuan energy efficiency retrofit project.
The new year 2020 kicked off positively for Intellisense Sdn Bhd by taking possession of the chiller plant system at the Financial Park of Labuan (“FPL”), to begin redesign and retrofitting of the chiller plant under the context of energy efficiency and sustainability.
The FPL complex is a massive 2.1 million square feet of offices, residential towers, convention halls and retail spaces, owned by a consortium of leading financial institutions in Malaysia, led by the Bank Negara Malaysia.
The energy efficiency project entails a full retrofit of FPL’s chiller plant system which is presently handled by a 3,800RT capacity chilled water system integrated with a 16,600 BTU/H Thermal Energy Storage system. Intellisense will redesign and restructure the present chiller plant system to achieve a 0.67kW/T efficiency TES charging system, and a 0.59kW/T efficiency for direct to building load option.
The new system is expected to deliver a minimum savings of 26% on the total monthly utility bill, and a drastic reduction of the building’s total carbon footprint by at least 37%.
The project is forecasted for completion before the 31st of August 2020.
The Edge Prop - Hektar REIT bags Asean energy efficient building award for Subang Parade
Hisham (centre) receiving the award for ‘Energy Efficient Building’ at the Asean Energy Awards & Gala Dinner held on Sept 4, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.
KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 6): Hektar REIT was named the first runner-up in the Asean Energy Efficient Building: Retrofitted Building category at the Asean Energy Awards & Gala Dinner held in Bangkok, Thailand on Wednesday.
The award was presented to Hektar Asset Management Sdn Bhd CEO Datuk Hisham Othman by Thailand Minister of Energy Sontirat Sontijirawong and witnessed by Malaysia’s Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Yeo Bee Yin.
The Asean Energy Awards took place during the Asean Energy Business Forum 2019 with the objective of setting the benchmark for excellence, offer recognition and celebrate organisations with exemplary leadership that are driving innovation towards a more sustainable future.
In a media release today, Hektar Asset Management was awarded first-runner up for demonstrating excellence and dedication to the field of energy efficient buildings with reference to the initiatives that were carried out at the its Subang Parade Shopping Centre in recent years.
Subang Parade opened in 1988 and had undergone facelifts and enhancement works such as structural improvements, interior design works, retrofitting the Air Conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) system and the installation of an automated Building Management System.
Through these initiatives, it achieved among others a 34% average reduction in electricity consumption which also translated to a 34% reduction in carbon emissions. This also saved up to 36% in average monthly electricity bills in 2018.
Hisham said the REIT will continue its efforts and strive to implement green initiatives such as replacing light bulbs to LED, dimming lights when there is sufficient day light, monitoring energy-intensive electric lighting systems and controlled lighting systems to introduce less waste heat into the space
“The REIT believes that the initiatives should go further, as we plan to introduce the ‘green lease’ by providing new and existing retailers with green guidelines for store fit-out design, and educating tenants on the various awareness activities to encourage them to become green and sustainable.
“We will also carry out more educational campaigns for shoppers and the public to help us reduce the mall’s carbon footprint,” Hisham concluded.
ASEAN Energy Awards 2019
Hektar REIT Berhad proudly accepted an award as one of ASEAN's best energy efficient building at the ASEAN Energy Awards 2019.
Designed and operated by Intellisense Sdn Bhd, the Subang Parade Mall was endorsed by the ASEAN Center of Energy as ASEAN's best energy efficient setup under the small to medium scale buildings.
Intellisense continuously consults and advises Hektar REIT in Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Renewable Energy for its portfolio of unique community centric malls.
Berita Harian - Subang Parade Bangunan Cekap Tenaga
KETUA Pegawai Eksekutif Hektar Asset Management dan Pengurus Hektar REIT, Datuk Hisham Othman. - Foto Nur Adibah Ahmad Izam
Oleh Nurhayati Abllah ([email protected])
Rabu, 21 Ogos 2019 | 9:28pm
KUALA LUMPUR: Hektar Asset Management Sdn Bhd (Hektar) menerusi pusat beli-belah utamanya, Subang Parade muncul sebagai penerima tunggal di Anugerah Tenaga Kebangsaan (NEA) 2019 bagi kategori Bangunan Cekap Tenaga –sub kategori Bangunan Diubahsuai.
Anugerah berkenaan dianjurkan pertama kali oleh Kementerian Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Cuaca (MESTECC) pada 2018.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Hektar Asset Management dan Pengurus Hektar REIT, Datuk Hisham Othman, berkata inisiatif cekap tenaga di Subang Parade dijalankan dengan mengubahsuai sistem termasuk menggantikan sistem penyejuk kurang cekap, pam, menara penyejuk, selain memasang Sistem Pengurusan Bangunan pada 2017.
“Bagi tujuan itu, kami menggunakan khidmat peneraju ACMV Intellisense Sdn Bhd,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan di Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Anugerah itu diadakan dengan objektif memperakui sesebuah pertubuhan bagi memacu ke arah pembangunan sektor tenaga mampan menerusi penekanan ke arah penyelidikan dan pembangunan inovatif serta amalan terbaik di dalam teknologi tempatan di negara ini.
Sebanyak 145 pencalonan diterima dan dari jumlah itu sejumlah 77 pencalonan disenarai akhir untuk dicalonkan ke dalam tiga kategori utama – bangunan cekap tenaga, pengurusan tenaga dan tenaga diperbaharui.
Hisham berkata, pengiktirafan daripada MESTECC akan memacu Hektar untuk meneruskan kesinambungan ke arah kelestarian hijau.
“Usaha berkenaan termasuk meningkatkan sistem reka bentuk pencahayaan di pusat beli-belah lain dengan menggantikan mentol kepada LED bagi mengurangkan kos penggunaan tenaga elektrik dan juga kekerapan menukar mentol lampu.
“Langkah lain yang turut diambil ketika ini ialah menggunakan pencahayaan siang hari dan mengurangkan pencahayaan lampu, pemantauan sistem lampu elektrik berintensifkan tenaga serta mengawal sistem pencahayaan dengan mengurangkan pelepasan haba yang mengakibatkan penurunan sistem penyejukan di udara,” katanya.
Mengulas lanjut katanya, inisiatif berkenaan berjaya mengurangkan purata penggunaan elektrik sebanyak 34 peratus yang boleh diterjemahkan kepada penurunan pelepasan karbon sebanyak 34 peratus.
“Ia boleh diterjemahkan kepada penjimatan sehingga 36 peratus secara purata bil elektrik bulanan pada tahun lalu dan usaha ini diteruskan dengan penggunaan pencahayaan LED dan mengoptimumkan penggunaan air yang menunjukkan penurunan penggunaan hampir 50,000 meter padu pada tahun yang sama,” katanya.
Pada masa sama katanya, syarikat juga merancang untuk memperkenalkan “pajakan hijau” dengan menyediakan peruncit baharu dan sedia ada menerusi panduan “hijau” untuk reka bentuk kedai baharu serta mendidik penyewa dengan pelbagai aktiviti kesedaran bagi menggalakkan mereka mengamalkan konsep kelestarian hijau.
“Kami turut mendidik pengunjung dan orang ramai menerusi pelbagai bentuk kempen bagi mengurangkan penggunaan karbon di pusat membeli belah,” katanya.
National Energy Awards Malaysia 2019

Intellisense celebrated with Hektar REIT Berhad its first National Energy Award 2019 for Best Energy Efficient Building under the Retrofitted category.
Together with Hektar's CEO, Dato Hisham Othman, the endorsement was for a staggering 34% reduction in total energy bill per month at Subang Parade Mall, by applying sustainable and energy efficiency concepts for the design and build of the replaced centralized chiller system in the mall.
The project successfully gave tremendous financial and operational values to the asset and community stakeholders of Subang Parade Mall.